Benefits Details and Cost
Types of Care Covered

Kehilla Care provides reimbursement for actual charges you incur for the below covered services up to the following percentages :

Covered Service Daily reimbursement up to
Nursing home, assisted living facility or hospice facility 100% of your daily benefit amount
Bed reservations 100% of your daily benefit amount benefits limited to 60 days per calendar year
Home care and adult day care 100% of your daily benefit amount
Respite services 100% of your daily benefit amount limited to 30 times your daily benefit/year
Formal caregiver services 100% of your daily benefit amount
Informal caregiver services 100% of your daily benefit amount
Hospice care at home 100% of your daily benefit amount
Stay-at-home benefit 30 times your daily benefit amount

Benefits for informal caregiver services are limited to those individuals who did not normally live in your home at the time you became eligible for benefits

Benefits for care provided by family members are limited to 500 days in your lifetime.