About Us
Kehilla Care was formed by a core group of physicians who are on the Board of Directors. Other members of the Board include insurance executives and non-profit organization activists.
Most high-performing healthcare organizations are led by a physician! These highly effective, visionary leaders have been called “DOCTORPRENEURS”.
Doctorpreneurs have three important qualities:
Doctorpreneurs have three important qualities:
- Their Medical Excellence gives them credibility with an organization’s medical professionals which makes it easier to implement innovative strategies.
- Their Compassion arouses their professional responsibilities to serve as many people as possible. Compassion further drives innovation.
- Their Business Discipline demands close attention to finances and management processes. The organization must survive to SERVE.
Our Doctorpreneurs and Board Members are further motivated by religious tenets and guideposts.
Our Doctorpreneurs and Board Members are further motivated by religious tenets and guideposts.
- We ask for the sake of our brothers and fellows; For the sake of the House of Lord.
- We ask that the aged and infirm amongst us not be forgotten.
- We ask for fulfillment of the blessings that the congregation requests for those who tend to and share the burden of care for our elderly and infirm.
- We Believe These Blessings Will Sustain Us.
- We Believe These Blessings Will Beget Success.