Financial Accountability

Message from the Chairman of the Board

Lifeline Alliance is a Healthcare Sharing Ministry (HCSM) that complies with IRS 501(c)(3) rules for tax exempt organizations. We sponsor Kehilla Care, a GEMACH or traditional Jewish Organization that facilitates sharing.

Lifeline Alliance is not an insurance company and is NOT providing an insurance product. Lifeline Alliance is not an investment and is NOT providing an investment vehicle. Any cash distributions to members of Kehilla Care are rewards for participating long term members.

Members of Kehilla Care contribute funds that are shared with other members to pay for eligible long term care expenses. The original contributions, less any consideration for benefits received, are available for return to the Sharing Member at the discretion of Kehilla Care and the Sharing Member. Contributions are redistributed through the Loyalty Rewards and Heritage Rewards  program.

Contributors to Kehilla Care

  • Sharing Member : Contributes an annual shared contribution that enables member to receive benefits for eligible long term care needs. This member is entitled to receive a Loyalty Reward or Heritage Reward subject to years of participation.
  • Kehilla Partner : Individuals, community organizations, Foundations or government agencies who provide voluntary charitable contributions. No benefit is received from these contributions.
  • Donor : Contributor of unrestricted gifts.

Community Fund

A portion of contributions from Sharing Members and all contributions from Kehilla Partners are earmarked for the Kehilla Fund that subsidizes urgent long term care expenses of financially bereft individuals who are not members of Kehilla Care.

Funds from Sharing Members are deposited into the Members’  Escrow Account. This account is regulated by strict escrow instructions to assure all contributions and any accrued interest are disbursed solely for benefit of Members.

  • Traditional long term care insurance provides funding for long term care expenses.
  • The Kehilla Care LTCBP provides this – plus the cash value and death benefits of traditional universal life insurance.

Hopefully you will have a full lifetime of health and mindfulness and will never need to request distribution of long term care benefits.

  • Although the majority of those over 65 will have a future need for long term care, only 25% will spend more than $100,000 for this care. And only 15% will spend more than $250,000 for this care.
  • Spending $3000 to $5000 a year for 20 to 30 years before only a 25% need to spend more than $100,000 may not seem a good use of your hand earned money.

The Kehilla Care Member Rewards Program offers elective Loyality Rewards to long term members and end of life Heritage Rewards to heirs of long term members. This program redistributes a vested interest of the Sharing Member’s total contribution back to the Member or their heirs.

Why not leave a legacy?

Heritage Rewards
  • At the end of life, heirs of participating Sharing Members for ten or more years will receive a vested interest in the prior total contributions of the member as a Heritage Reward.
Vesting Schedule
Vested Interest of Total

* Total Contributions reduced by any benefits received

  • If Sharing Member of 25 years should die, their loved ones will receive a legacy of 80% of prior contributions from Kehilla Care as a Heritage Reward!

Why not get your money back?

Loyalty Rewards
  • Sharing Members for ten years or more who elect to continue long term benefits may elect a one time withdrawal of up to 25% of their prior total contribution. Sharing Members who elect to terminate their long term care benefits of Kehilla Care may elect withdrawal of their entire vested interest in their prior total contribution. The termination of benefits withdrawal is allowable even if there was a prior non terminating withdrawal.
Vesting Schedule
Vested Interest of Total

* Total Contributions reduced by any benefits received

  • Total benefits available to Sharing Member who retains participation with a less than 25% vested interest withdrawal, will be reduced proportionate to a time factored reduction of benefits.
  • Life Circumstances change. Do you need 70% of your prior total contributions returned? It is yours as a Loyalty Reward!

Kehilla Care Tripartite Benefit

Long Term Care Benefit
You have the security and satisfaction of protection
Heritage Rewards
Your heirs will receive a legacy
Loyalty Rewards
You had protection when you needed it. Now you have cash.
  • Please note: Suggested Sharing Contributions are not guaranteed. Your Suggested Sharing Contributions will not change because you get older or your health changes or for any other reason related solely to you. However, your Contributions may increase if you are among a group of enrollees whose premium is determined to be inadequate.
  • If you select the ACIO, your Sharing Contribution is designed to include all future inflation increases you will receive each year while you are insured. Your Sharing contribution will not increase with each inflation increase under this option.
  • The Kehilla Care Member Fidelity Benefits program ensures preferred benefit distribution to long term Sharing Members. Most beneficiaries of long term plans who receive benefits have been participants for more than twenty years. Therefore, almost all Sharing Members will be rewarded by the Member Fidelity Benefit Program .
  • Sharing Members participating 20 years or more receive 100% of full benefit.
  • Sharing Members with less than 20 years of participation accrue five percent of full annual benefit for each year of participation completed.
Vesting Schedule
Accrued Annual
Benefit Vested

Lifeline Alliance is appointed by the Members as a neutral Escrow Agent that recieves and disburses shared contributions from the Members’ Escrow Account pursuant to strict escrow instructions. The Escrow Agent is required to provide a financial review of all disbursements for long term care expenses and examination of any allowable investments through accredited brokerage institutions.

As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, all financial reports and Independent CPA Audits are a matter of public record and are available by individual request.

Do Right. Do Good. Become a Kehilla Partner